Weekend Reflections: 8/5/2018
I know. I know. I’m like two days late on this post. Better late than never, right?
I haven’t even posted my monthly update on our buy nothing challenge.
Truth is, I’ve been working a lot lately. The past two months I have been logging in 65 hours a week of work. That’s a little bit more than when I was a resident. I’m not as resilient as I was in the past and when I come home I try my best to do my part in child care duties. I’m getting a bit more tired lately. If only I were superhuman…
The increase in work load is purely self-inflicted. I typically volunteer to work a lot in the winter and summer months so that I can earn extra money to save, invest, or spend as I please (mindfully on experiences or things that provide good value of course).
For the rest of the year, I’m usually working about 40-50 hours a week or on vacation.
My wife and I like to take vacations in the shoulder seasons. The months of April-May and September-October are perfect. The weather is pleasant in most places during this time. Airfare, lodging, and attractions are generally cheaper too compared to the summer high season. And because there are less tourists, vacations are bit more enjoyable during these times.
We reserve late October to early January for spending a lot of time with family. Mostly because there are a lot of birthday celebrations and holidays during these months.
Okay, enough about my explanation of being tardy, let’s get on to the post.
Here were my thoughts last week…
Sunday 7/29
Back to work again. This is the second Sunday in a row that I have worked.
Anyways, sometimes I catch myself fantasizing about traveling to exotic places in the world. This is the result of me scrolling through my Instagram feed and clicking through my favorite travel blogs. I hate to admit it, but I have major FOMO. The wanderlust lifestyle will have to be on hold for now. It’s just not as easy to do now that we have a baby.
Some time in the future, when my kid(s) are school age, I imagine us taking our kids on vacation in the early part of summer break. Late summer (especially August) seems like a terrible time because the weather is unpleasantly hot and most of the locals (in Europe at least) close shop and leave their homes to vacation themselves. I don’t want to be sweating in a sea of other tourists!
Maybe one day, my wife and I will take our time and semi-slow travel with our kids to somewhere far and isolated. Crispy Doc took a trip to rural Greece and it looks like they had a wonderful time.
One day.
Monday 7/30
I was reading Tawcan’s post on 7 Money Goals To Hit By The Time You’re 35. It was a post inspired by J. Money at Budgets Are Sexy.
It piqued my interest because I am 35 years old and I wanted to see how I fare.
So far, I’m meeting goals one through six. The only goal that I’m falling short on is “Consider a very basic estate plan– especially if you have children.”
Since my wife and I are now parents of a baby girl, we should get a little more serious with this aspect of our finances.
Tuesday 7/31
Speaking of estate planning, Physician on Fire had a great post on The Importance of a Legacy Binder.
A legacy binder is a place where all of your important information is stored so that it would be easily accessible to family members in the unfortunate event that you and your spouse unexpectedly passes away.
Mama Fish Saves created a printable PDF worksheets (not an affiliate link) that contain everything you might need for your legacy binder. It is $19 until August 5, then goes up to $29 afterward.
Even though my wife and I follow a healthy diet and lifestyle that will likely allow us to live for a long time, we are not immortal. One day, we won’t be around in this world. And while I don’t like to think about it, it’s never to early to create an estate plan and legacy binder.
Wednesday 8/1
I can’t believe it’s already August.
I was driving to work and listened to a Market Place podcast titled In LA, Driving To Work Can Be a Part-time Job of its Own. It talks about how the housing market in Southern California is so hot (and unaffordable) that people often have to live far from work to find affordable housing. With commute times of 1.5 to 2 hours long each way, that’s 15 to 20 hours a week of commuting. Yikes! That is a part time job.
While on our evening walk around the community, my wife and I talked about how we are both grateful to have careers that allow us to do meaningful work. We then talked about the potential alternative jobs we could have had instead. This led to a discussion about the difference between having a job and a career. She then showed me a hilarious YouTube clip of Chris Rock on jobs versus careers (warning: may contain offensive language).
It’s funny because it’s so true. I feel fortunate to not have a job scraping shrimp all day long…
Thursday 8/2
Staying on the topic of food, today after work I went to my friend’s house to check out her backyard garden. She’s taking her family on a two week trip to London and Paris in a week, so she wanted to give me some of her fruits and vegetables.
You know me. I’m not going to turn down free, fresh, organic, locally-grown produce. I took home some delicious yellow watermelon, purple carrots, cucumbers, and eggplants. Along with some rice that we had bought in bulk, this should be enough food for few days!

My friend (who is also my co-worker) could probably sell each watermelon for $10 each at the local farmer’s market. They are that good!
If didn’t take so much of her harvest, she could make a decent side gig by selling her produce!
Friday 8//3
Speaking of side gigs and side hustles, The Luxe Strategist wrote a great article today about how to find real-life side hustles that aren’t a waste of time. There are some great tips in this post. The comments at the end are intriguing too.
Some people may think it’s a waste of time to devote so much energy on a side hustle that makes a little more money. Other people don’t see the point of using precious free time to do even more paid work.
However, if you’re income is low and not adequate for your needs, you have to do what you can do to improve your situation. Leveraging your skill set through side hustles is one way to grow your income. My wife grew up with very little money, but she found 22 side hustles and part time jobs to help make ends meet and pay for college.
It’s so in style these days that Erik from The Mastermind Within is dedicating the entire month of August to the topic of side hustles. I enjoyed his series of articles in July about his alternative thoughts on personal finance, so I can’t wait to see what he comes up with this month.
I’m guilty of writing about side hustles too. In case you missed it, I also wrote about how a lot of physicians are getting into this side hustle thing in my post How Having Side Hustles Can Increase Your Fluid Intelligence.
Tonight, I picked up an extra overnight shift. Does that count as a side hustle?
Saturday 8/4
I finished the overnight shift and returned home around 7 AM.
Coming home to see my daughter in the morning is delightful. She always has a big smile on her face when she wakes up well rested. Not only is she getting bigger, her looks are changing a bit too. She used to look a lot like me as a baby. Now she’s starting to look more and more like my wife. I guess it depends on her facial expressions :).
Every morning we place her on a play mat on the floor where she practices flipping on to her belly. She’s getting better at tummy time. She also likes it when we read books to her.

Most of the day was spent relaxing and spending time with our daughter. In the evening, we all went to a social event at the zoo that was sponsored by my work. The vegan option for food was quite disappointing, but overall we had a great time. It was fun to catch up with co-workers outside of the hospital. They are great people. I’m grateful to have wonderful co-workers.
I hope everybody is having a wonderful week so far 🙂
Staying busy i see. 65 hours a week is definitely nothing to sniff at. So yeah, we can excuse this coming a day or two late lol…. it’s ok to have a life 😉
I’m also now really intrigued for Tawcan’s post. I need to go check that out and see how I’m tracking. Probably lagging behind lol.
And who in the world doesn’t like free watermelon? 😉
PS: Your daughter looks like she would do perfectly fine at Liftcon 😉
Lol! Yes. Since she can lift her head up, she is definitely ready for LiftCon 😂
I love how you mix this with so much usefulness. I haven’t read Tawcans post and never heard of the legacy binder even! Boy am I out of the loop!!
Aw thanks Lily! I appreciate your comment. Yes, it’s never to easy to think about a legacy binder. 🙂
Well. I just left a comment and accidentally hit the back button and now it’s gone.
1. Nice mousepad even though it’s not yourself lol. Very fitting
2. The traffic in California can be a part time job in itself. I’m so glad I’m able to work from home and don’t have to deal with the OC traffic anymore.
Hi Kelly! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, the traffic on the 5 and 405 in OC can be horrendous. You’re lucky you get to work from home.
And thanks for appreciating the mousepad 😀
Hey Doc! Cant wait to feed some great content your way! 🙂
Thanks Erik! I really like your stuff and I am looking forward to it 😀
Thanks for the generous shout out and for the great articles to follow through on.
I feel for you, this sounds like a particularly rough patch. Remember: you work 60 hour weeks at 35 so that when you’re 45 you can work 60 hour months.
Keep up the great work in and out of the hospital,
60 hour months when I’m 45 is an amazing goal! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂
Wow doc, that’s a lot of hours! Worth it for the extra $ though I guess. We also love the “shoulder seasons”. May is our favorite month to travel, hence choosing it for our wedding date. LOVE those watermelons, and they’re yellow?? Color me jealous. Those things are crazy expensive at the farm market.
Yes, the yellow watermelons are so good. I think they are a bit sweeter than the read ones. Definitely home grown watermelons (like my friend’s) are more flavorful!
I like how these weekend reflections aren’t just a list of links, but have more substantial commentary. Also, all my posts are late, so don’t even worry about that 🙂
I need to get better at traveling during the shoulder season. Case in point: a hotel in Vietnam in December costs $400. In lower or shoulder season it costs $200. So, now we don’t get the dope, luxury hotel because it’s too expensive. Changing the timing of when you travel can make a big difference in costs! I’m currently looking into ways to travel hack flights to Italy and I’m having a hard time. Taxes and fees are coming up to $200 per ticket, or else the number of miles really sucks…
Also, your daughter has an amazing head of hair already!
Hi Luxe! Thanks for appreciating my commentary. Travel hacking flights to Italy can be tough. Depending on the season, a few times I’ve settled on airfare sales on economy as low as $400 from LAX or SAN. I can imagine the fares being even cheaper from JFK or any other airport in NYC. If business class availability is scarce to Italy, I would try to find any gateway airport city in Europe (London, Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, etc.) that has decent availability, then take a low cost carrier to my final destination (in this case, Italy). Once you fly across the pond, I like how it’s pretty easy to go anywhere fairly cheaply.
And yes, my daughter does have a great head of hair. I was pleasantly surprised when she came out and was born with a full head of hair 🙂
Looks like we both have busy weeks, I just found some time to read up on some blogs I have neglected thus far.
It is amazing how the hours that you can handle as a resident quickly diminish as you become an attending. I don’t think I could survive the hours I put in when I was younger at this age. Now I have trouble adapting to working 5 days in a row (I know poor me).
Haha, I definitely feel ya! Putting in the hours can be a grind sometimes.
Your an anesthesiologist?? You mean you sit on a stool all day and pass gas?? Do tell.
Yes. Most of the times I sit on a stool all day and pass gas. Once in a while I stand up to chat with the surgical team. Other days I’m a needle jockey doing injections all day long 😂